Customizing Lead Conversion in Salesforce Professional Edition

Salesforce Professional Edition.  So many things it can do, 50% the monthly cost of Enterprise Edition, but….

Point 1:  No Person Accounts.
Point 2:  No Workflow.
Point 3:  No APEX.

For someone who really likes to customize things to make it easier for users, streamlining PE is a challenge.  Referring back to a previous post about auto-populating objects using APEX – PE is an environment where you do have to get a little creative and play with GET strings.



  • Professional Edition Salesforce Org
  • Accounts are setup as branches of the company (and renamed as “Centers”), as Person Accounts not being available had to be worked around
  • Custom Lead Field as a lookup to the Account object


  • Pre-populate the Lead Conversion screen with as much information as possible so the user doesn’t have to re-enter information that was JUST on the Lead record.


  • Create a “Convert to Contact” button on the Lead page and load up the GET string with as much info as feasible
  • Remove the stock “Convert” Lead button
The Custom Button URL ended up working as such:
id = The LeadId
accid = the Lead custom lookup back to Account’s ID.  This will set the Convert screen’s Account field correctly.
acclkid_lkid = the Lead custom lookup back to Account’s ID.
acclkid_lkwgt = the Lead custom lookup back to Account’s ID.
tsk5_fu = the subject of the followup Task
nooppti = setting this to “1” checks the “Do not create a new opportunity…” box
retURL = I set it to push back to the list of Contacts.
Screenshot of the Convert screen – I scratched out the owner’s name (Client project).  The “Center Name” is a rename of “Accounts” – I couldn’t find out the right variable to get the Center Name to fill in right, but like I said – it works.
It may not be necessarily polished, but it worked great!